Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Coming Soon to Our Home....

FISH.  Yes, Trevor had this brilliant idea that we should get the girls a fish.  I thought it was going to be a goldfish that we could put in a "jar" in Peyton's room......well, we took the girls yesterday to pick out the fish and now we have a nice size fish tank in my hall way, and it looks like we will have about 9 fish!  Thats right, no more goldfish.  We are now getting some Tropical community fish :)  The girls thought these were way prettier.  Unfortunately, we couldn't take home any fish until their new home has been filtered for a few days.  The girls were a little disappointed but did get to help put the tank together.  In the next few days  they can go pick out 3 fish, then add 3 more and so on.  Trevor did promise me (I was a little hesitant) that I would NEVER have to clean it...that him and Peyton would do that together. I will keep you posted on that promise.

Trev and girls washing the rocks

Cleaning the plants
Adding the accessories
And finally, filling up the tank with water!

I will let you know when the fish arrive!


The Wildes said...

When I saw that title, I thought you were announcing a little Wilde coming soon!!!!
Fish will be so fun for the girls.

Terese said...

Meghan, I have a 10 gallon fish tank myself and I promise the cleaning and maintenance is minimal. Really not bad if you do end up having to clean it. :) The girls will love having that, what a fun idea!!