Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tooth Fairies for One Year Olds??

A little over a week ago Our Little Piper tripped while she was walking and hit her tooth on the bottom of our bed....OUCH! She knocked out her top right tooth, root and all. We rushed her into the dentist but there is nothing they can do. She is going to be toothless until her permanant tooth grows in!! What?!? That is it? No options? I have finally stopped crying about this ( I talked to 5 different pediatric dentist and they all say the same thing). The only option I have is when she is about 3 and has 20 teeth they can put a fake tooth in which they say by then I won't even want to mess with it and I will be used to see her toothless smile...( they don't know me very well) So we are waiting until she is 3 and then we will complete her smile.

The tooth

Her new smile
( you can't really see because of the light but if you look there is a gap)

1 comment:

Jamie and Jill said...

Poor sweet Piper. I would have freaked. John's teeth came in yellow from all of the meds he was on in the NICU....I took him immediately to the dentists for baby veneers:)