Sunday, May 31, 2009

San Diego 2009

Last week we spent the entire week in San Diego!  It was so nice to be back in 68 degree weather.  Trevor's parents rented a beach house on Mission Beach for the entire family.  We started by going to the San Diego Zoo, did a lot of beaching, and finished up at Sea World!  We had a great week. I am pretty sure I could move there and be very happy.

Daddy and Pres on the Train at the Zoo
Mommy and Pres
Presley loves animals

Looks real doesn't it??
Daddy and his girls...snuggling at the hotel

Playing on the patio of the beach house
The Wilde's cooking dinner
The Cousins: Tyler, Peyton, Presley, Jackson and Dylan
This moment with all them sitting here didn't last too long:)
Yuck! Look at all that sand!
Presley and Aunt Whitney
Look at these beach babes.  I love this picture of them

The Ladies
You can't really see but Presley has sand EVERYWHERE!
Blowing bubbles on the Beach
AWWW..the happy family
The girls were so exhausted by the end of each day.

1 comment:

The Wildes said...

Fun times! Can't wait for the next vacation!