Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Piper's 4 Months Old

My sweet baby is 4 months old. Time is seriously flying!! She is doing so many new things:
Rolling Over ( stinks a little b/c I can't lay her on the couch anymore...but so proud she can do it.)
Eating like a champ
Sleeping 8 hours at night
Grabbing things in front of her
Arching her back and neck up when on her belly
Started eating solids
Sitting in her Bumbo Chair
And LOVES watching her sisters play...she can't wait to join them!

Here are her measurements:

Weight: 13 Pounds 4 ounces
Length: 25 1/2 inches
Head: 40 1/2

Looking good

Her sisters were right around the same pace : Peyton weighing in at 13 pounds 7 ounces and 26.8 inches long and Presley ar 14 pounds 7 ounces and 26.2 inces long...Presley was my chunker :)


Jamie and Jill said...

She is so sweet! Does she look like Presley?

Ben & Michelle said...

Thanks for the note on the blog. I had been meaning to leave a note on your blog for ages (seen it via Jill's blog). The girls are so cute and you are such a beautiful little family. I saw Heidi over the summer and she told me about the loss of your father. Glad you got the card and you are in our prayers. Wishing you all the best. Take care.
The Kennett Family

Meghan and Trevor said...

She is a combination of both girls. There she looks like presley but when she smiles really big she looks a lot like Peyton.

Meghan and Trevor said...
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