It's Official! Peyton started Kindergarten yesterday! Such a great day and she was so excited! She was so cute in her uniforms and walked right in to her class. She has a great teacher and we are so excited for all the fun things she is going to learn this year. She is so grown up and so sophisticated, I can hardly believe it. She came home with positive things to say about her day. I thought the day was long! I kept checking the clock to see when I could pick her up! Only a few tears were shed from mom (and Aunt Lindsay) and she was on her way. We live right down the street so I did drive by the school 3 or 4 times to see if I could see her on the playground! I tend to stress over the little things like the drop off routine ( I am suppose to drop her off at the playground and then when the bell rings she finds her teacher or class), finding someone to sit with at lunch or play with on the playground and of course just making sure she is comfortable in her enviroment. Presley and Piper miss her tons too! Oh so many changes! It is only day 2 and I am exhausted! School does start really early (7:45a.m.) which for us is crazy early!
Thank you for everyone who called, text or emailed to wish Peyton good luck! She is so loved and for that we are so grateful. Thanks GiGi for coming with and supporting Peyton. That was so special for her.

Full body cute is she in the uniform??

Proud mom and dad

Team Peyton

Peyton went right in and found her name tag

her friend Abby and Peyton

This after they kicked the parents out :(

Peyton we love you so much! We hope you have the best year ever!!!