After Austin we had a few days recovery and then we headed back on a plane but this time to Oahu, Hawaii! The kids did great on the 6 hour flight and we were all very excited to be on the ground in Hawaii!
When we landed we were each greeted with a lei! And they were purple which is Presleys favorite color! Perfect!


We headed straight to lunch on the beach!

We met some of our friends from Vegas and some of our friends from AZ. This is Jack and Piper! They were such buddies the entire trip and loved playing together! So stinking cute!

Do you think Piper is excited?

Presley, Peyton and Gabby....such great views

Pipers first time on the beach....she looks a bit nervous but she warms up to it

Nic and D

There was a time difference of 3 hours so every night around 6:00 Hawaii time Piper would hit the sack! This was awesome because we were able to eat dinner without entertaining the whole time.

This is what all our meals out looked like! I love it!

Gabby, Peyton, and Chloe

All the bigger kids: Presley Gabby Tommy Peyton and Chloe

We had the opportunity to swim with the dolphins while we were there. I don't have any great pictures of this because they wouldn't let me bring my camera near the water.... :((

The girls in the safety gear

Here is our group getting ready to meet our dolphin

That was our dolphin we got to swim with between Peyton and Presley

Another family picture

This is the view from where we swam with them! Just Amazing!!!

The kiddos warming up after our swim

Oh Miss Presley....after we swam with the dolphins all the kids were running and guess who fell? Her forehead didn't look too pretty for a few days.

yay! for mohawks!

One of the nights we got a babysitter for all the kids and the adults hit the town! I really don't have a lot of pictures but we had a lot of laughs and had so much fun trying some new restaurants.
The boys- Sorry Trev not the best picture of you...

The ladies....not the best picture either...oops

We also were able to visit the Dole Pinnapple Factory! It was so beautiful and we learned a lot about fruit

Love this picture of the girls

This family picture didn't go as well as some others

Peyton and Chloe

All the kids running free

And what is Hawaii without going to a Luau? The kids danced all night long

They even go pulled up on stage

More dancing

The mommies really wanted the girls to get their picture taken with the male dancers but they chose her....

We really wanted to take the kids snorkling but they said they wanted to but didn't want to go in the ocean...what?!? So we bought the snorkel gear and let them go in the pool instead! There were no fish, but it kept them busy!

The last night we were their we attended the island annual Memorial Lighting of the Lantern Ceremony! Holy Emotional! I had no idea! This was such an unbelievable sight! There were hundreds of lanterns lit to remember those we have lost, and they sail out into the bay. It was so amazing! They sad music and beautiful scenery didn't help, it was truly a sight to see and I am so glad my family was able to be a part of it.

daddy and his girls

The vaughns

We spent our last day at the beach!!! We crammed it all in before we had to say good bye